Online GP appointments from 1st March 2023 – 17/02/2023


In line with the re-design of our Appointment System that was implemented in February 2023; from 1st March 2023, we have made the decision to remove our GP appointments from online booking.

As part of the work that we undertook with NHS England’s Time for Care programme, we have audited and collated data with regards to our appointment system. This has identified that appointments are being booked inappropriately with a GP when other clinicians are often more appropriate.

The previous GP contractual requirement stated that “all practices will ensure at least 25% of appointments are available for online booking”. This requirement that applied to the entirety of the practice’s appointments has been replaced to allow practices to determine what is most appropriate to make available for online booking. Therefore, any appointments that do not need to go through a triage process, could be available for patients to book directly online, by phone and/or by visiting the practice.

Our Reception Team have been trained accordingly and continue to be supported with regards to actively signposting to the correct clinician/service.