!!Important announcement!!

Please be advised that anyone who has already received their first Covid vaccination in December at Anston and is booked in to have their second vaccination either this week or next week; these are still going ahead, therefore it is important that you attend your appointment so that vaccines aren’t wasted.

Important Covid 19 Vaccination Update

We are very pleased to inform you that Patients in the Rother Valley South Area (which includes Swallownest patients) will be amongst the first to receive the new Coronavirus Vaccine .

Vaccine supplies are strictly limited and are allocated to ensure that our oldest and most vulnerable patients are vaccinated first .

Patients will be contacted in the coming weeks and months and offered an appointment in our Hub at Anston Surgery. Due to the logistics, we are unable to offer the vaccination at Swallownest.

The first allocation of vaccines arrive next week (14th December) and are subject to extremely strict controls for storage and distribution.

Patients will be contacted in order of the criteria set centrally by the Government, there will be no exceptions to this.


Further information will be available on our website shortly but please refer to the Gov.UK website for further information.

Flu Campaign 2020/21 – As a business, we need your support please

You may have heard the news about this year’s flu vaccine campaign. This year will be a tough year for practices delivering flu vaccines.


🔸We are still geared up for another Covid-19 rise.
🔹We will be doing vaccinations in PPE meaning changes between patients and cleans of the environment between patients.
🔸All that PPE has to be ordered, stored, shared out, restocked, disposed of.
🔹We need to maintain social distancing between patients, so no more crowded waiting rooms with a catch up from others in your community.
🔸Social distancing means we have to make innovative use of our building, with one way in, one way out.
🔹We already ordered in December 2019 the two types of vaccines required for our usual cohorts of patients within risk groups, therefore want to deliver your vaccine otherwise it may be wasted. The additional group of people means lots more vaccines needed: practices order the vaccine a year ahead, so we now need to rely on NHSE / Public Health England to supply additional stock as we have been informed they aren’t available by our suppliers.
🔸Everything takes longer: PPE, cleaning, social distancing. So a clinic for 100 people which used to be done in a couple of hours could now take 6 hours.
🔹The staff that deliver the vaccines, and the administrators who support them in the clinics are already working flat out during the week, and now face the prospect of working additional shifts to get these vaccinations done in a timely manner.
🔸It’s unlikely we will be able to run open clinics this year where patients can just turn up, so we need to set up some kind of appointment system.
🔹The number of Housebound patients has increased with some patients still needing to shield, and home visits for them take much longer and are much more risky for the staff.
🔸Many practices, including us, are running on reduced work force as they have shielding staff, or staff who cannot see patients face to face due to their own risks.

Thank you for reading this far. You may ask what is the point of this post? The main point is we found out this information the same time as you did, and although we have lots of ideas, there is still lots we need to work out, so please don’t ask to book in for a flu jab yet!

We WILL let you know by text, Facebook, website or other what the plan is. We don’t receive them until September anyway. It WILL be very different this year.
We WILL do our best as we always do. As a business we need your support more than ever, and are extremely grateful for it.

Thank you.


Facial Coverings and Exemption Cards Update July 2020

The wearing of masks by staff and face coverings by the public will play a role in preventing the spread of infection so that patients and visitors can attend practices without fear of contamination. It will also reduce the risk of a whole team within a practice being required to self-isolate should one member contract COVID-19. 

It is now mandatory to wear facial coverings on public transport and it will be mandatory to wear a facial covering in shops/supermarkets from Friday 24th July 2020

To find out;

  • when you can take your mask off
  • to learn about different types of masks
  • how to be safe wearing a mask
  • if you’re exempt from wearing a mask

Please click here

Supplying face mask exemption letters to patients

Our Practice (like many others) is seeing an increase in requests from patients for letters of exemption to wear face masks in various public settings. The Government guidance suggests there is no requirement for evidence for exemption. It should be sufficient for someone to declare that they are eligible for an exemption direct with the person questioning them (e.g. bus driver).

The BMA has indicated that practices are therefore not required to provide letters of support for those who fall under the list of exemptions, or to those who do not fall under the list of exemptions.

Some transport providers are providing evidence of exemptions themselves.

Being Exempt from Wearing a Face Mask

We understand that some people can’t wear a face mask or covering because of a disability or severe distress.

The link below provides Learning Disability Exemption Cards, Autism Exemption Cards and Parent and Child Exemption Cards. Download the PDF below to print your exemption card

Click here for printable Face-Covering-Exemption-Cards

23rd June 2020 – Special Announcement from our Senior Partner Dr Robin Evans

I would like to announce that, after 32 years, I am retiring as a Partner at Swallownest General Practice in July this year.

I first came to work here as a trainee GP in 1985 for one year and, after 2 years further training in hospital, I joined as a full Partner in February 1988.

Throughout my time here I have considered it both a privilege and a pleasure to work in this community. I have seen many changes both in society and in medicine during my career, but the fundamental nature of General Practice has not changed – it is simply the process of two people (doctor and patient) trying to find the solution to a problem together. Sadly we are currently all facing the same huge problem of how to keep ourselves and our families safe during this dreadful pandemic.

I hope that you all find a way of coping and keeping yourselves healthy until things return to something like normal.

Best wishes to you all.

Dr Rob Evans

Dr Evans retired Thursday 9th July 2020

14/05/2020 – Update during Covid-19

We would like to thank you for your support, understanding and patience during these difficult times. We all need to continue to follow Government advice to ensure that we don’t create a further peak. We would kindly ask that you follow the important information in the details below:-

  • We are continuing with telephone and video consulatations for now and the clinician will advise during this should you need to attend in person.
  • If you are asked to attend the Health Centre, please do not arrive earlier than you need to as we need to ensure there are as few people in the building as possible please.
  • Please attend alone wherever possible.
  • Please wear a mask or face covering to protect you and our staff. Please find the Government link showing you how to make one https://bit.ly/2T3uUdf
  • Please kindly bring your own hand sanitiser as we do not have sufficient supplies.
  • With regards to shielding patients – Government guidance is that you should be shielding currently until 30th June. If you wish to return to work any sooner, you will need to discuss this with your employer. This is not our decision to make. Please follow Government guidance here https://bit.ly/3byOIeO
  • We have started planning on how we can make a phased return to our clinics and appointments. These discussions are being made with careful consideration for all. We are trying to prioritise based on RCGP guidance and we would kindly ask that you respect the decisions that are made.

We will update you with further information as soon as we are able.

Thank you and stay safe!