Look out for your free NHS lung health check invitation
If you are between 55-74 have ever smoked you should receive an invitation and appointment in the post. If you need to change the date and time of your appointment, please call the number in the letter to rearrange.
In Doncaster, more than 17,000 people just like you have benefited from a free lung health check, why not join them? Our area will be called for between now and spring 2024.
The Lung Health Check Programme helps detect lung cancer earlier, as well as identifying other lung conditions.
To find out more visit www.lunghealthchecks.co.uk
Exclusion Criteria:
- Lung cancer in the previous 5 years
- Metastatic cancer (excluding metastatic prostate cancer)
- Registered on the Palliative Care Register
- Poor physical fitness such that treatment with curative intent would be contra-indicated: this can be assessed at face-to-face appointments and may require a second opinion or advice from the lung cancer Screening Review Meeting.
- Lymphoma (added to exclusion criteria in May 2021)
- Mesothelioma (added to the exclusion criteria in May 2021
A scan may not be possible due to:
- They are unable to lie flat
- They are unable to transfer onto the CT scanning bed without support, or with the support of somebody who attends the scan with them.
- They weigh more than 200kg/31.5 stones
- They do not have capacity to consent to the scan (standard criteria for assessing capacity apply).